The question of potency worries any man. The emergence of problems in this area greatly affects the quality of life in general. To eliminate them, it is necessary to identify the cause of what happened and act accordingly. However, in simple situations, common foods can help. For example, nuts and potency have been studied together for a long time. This product can be considered almost a champion in the amount of various nutrients, such as fiber, minerals, vitamins and essential oils. The list of positive effects that walnuts have on the body is also very broad. At the very least, walnuts contribute to uplifting mood, which is already good for anyone's health.
Problems with the potency and influence of nuts
More than seventy million couples around the world face the problem of infertility, that is, almost every sixth family. Although many seek to send a woman for examination and treatment, in about a third of all cases, conception does not occur because of a man. Decreased fertility is usually associated with one of three factors:
- Weak sperm motility;
- Their insufficient number;
- Deviations in shape or size.
The reasons why such pathological changes occur in a man's body are still not fully understood. Most often they include environmental factors, environmental pollution and human lifestyle. Potency issues can lead to:
- Smoking, alcohol and other bad habits;
- Inadequate nutrition;
- Heart pathology;
- Oncological processes;
- Obesity;
- Diabetes;
- Taking anabolic steroids;
- Psychological and physical trauma.
To date, studies are being carried out with the aim of studying the effect of polyunsaturated fatty acids on sperm development and maturation. A separate place in this matter is occupied by the so-called vitamin F, an essential fatty acid. This element is not produced by the human body and therefore must be consumed through other sources. It might be:
- seeds;
- vegetable oils;
- Fish;
- Me at;
- Nuts.
The latter are not just good for fatty acids. They contain a lot of protein and iron, essential amino acids, zinc, calcium, potassium and tannins. The product is rich in vitamins such as A, B, C, E and PP, as well as essential oils. Nuts are natural aphrodisiacs, which means they can naturally increase and prolong sexual desire.
No matter how much men would like to identify one type of nut, which has the best effect on potency quality, in fact, each type affects the body in its own way. For example, walnuts contain linoleic acid, the benefits of which have been studied at the University of California.
During the research, the scientists tried not only to improve the condition of sperm, but also not to increase the body weight of men. Nuts are a very caloric product.
During the study, subjects consumed 75 g of fruit. Three months later, the scientists examined the status of the sperm. They noticed an improvement in form, vitality and motor activity. At the same time, there were no significant negative changes in body mass index in men.
To influence potency, it is not necessary to eat these nuts in their pure form. For example, you can combine them with honey. Such a component will contribute to the proper synthesis of sex hormones. One cup of fresh honey is placed in three cups of shelled walnuts. It is best to store the product in a glass container. After insisting, you need to eat two tablespoons in the morning and in the evening. To further enhance the benefits of this method, the product can be washed down with two glasses of goat's milk. It is necessary to purchase a quality and fresh product. While there is nothing better than fresh milk, if the liquid is in doubt, it should be boiled. Whether in the fridge or without it, boiled milk will stay fresh for three days.
Brazil nut
In the composition of Brazil nuts, the amino acids arginine and selenium stand out especially. For the amount of the latter, the product is among the best sources. The benefits of selenium are revealed in the following aspects:
- Increases the amount of testosterone;
- It has a beneficial effect on sperm motility;
- Significantly increases the quantity and quality of sperm;
- The substance is a preventive measure of influence in oncological processes in the prostate.
Arginine also has its benefits. Once in the human body, the substance causes increased production of nitric oxide. This element leads to the expansion and relaxation of the veins, so that the blood circulates more freely throughout the body, thus improving potency. As with selenium, arginine also increases testosterone production.
Unsalted and toasted nuts will bring the most benefit. They require very little - two or three a day are enough. In high doses, selenium becomes toxic, its consumption can have the opposite effect.
cashew nut
Cashews are distinguished by their zinc content, which also plays a big role in potency. It can also affect fertility in women. According to studies, the deficiency of this element, even for a short period of time, already negatively affects the amount of testosterone and sperm produced.
However, the benefits of cashews are not just limited to zinc reserves. Worth paying attention to:
- Vitamin K, which reduces the likelihood of prostate cancer;
- The ability of a nut to eliminate a malfunction, add energy;
- The presence of the amino acid arginine, as in Brazil nuts.
Almost all nuts, including cashews, can be combined with honey. They are also eaten along with a variety of dried fruits such as dates and dried apricots. An apple and banana fruit salad would benefit from being sprinkled with this natural aphrodisiac. The effect will be even better if you fill it with sour cream. If you want a vegetable dish, carrots or beets are suitable. Nuts are a good addition to animal products such as fish and meat.
Almonds are rich in a wide variety of substances that will positively affect the sexual health of both men and women. A large amount of protein, low in saturated fat, promotes the production of testosterone. Sex hormone synthesis is also affected by magnesium, potassium, calcium and vitamin E.
Almonds also contain arginine.
Diseases of the cardiovascular system are one of the factors in the development of infertility. The monounsaturated fats in this type of nut reduce the likelihood of such pathologies. The components are distinguished by antioxidant activity. The product promotes energy production due to the presence of copper, manganese, protein and vitamin B2. Its consumption is good for bone health.
According to Chinese nutritionists, the quality of sex life increases with the decrease in the size of the abdomen. Studies have shown that men who consume almonds twice a week reduce their risk of weight gain. So, a small amount of these nuts can be a good addition to the diet.
nuts and pistachios
Walnuts have many of the health benefits of the walnuts above. It also contains many plant-based antioxidants, which are similar to those found in plums and blueberries. If you systematically consume products of this type, then the probability of death from various serious diseases will decrease.
At the same time, walnuts contain a lot of beta-sitosterol. This is a steroid substance of plant origin, which weakens the manifestations of benign prostatic hyperplasia. In addition, walnuts contain a type of vitamin E that can destroy prostate cancer cells without affecting healthy tissue.
Pistachio is one of the most consumed nuts. According to Turkish studies, a handful a day for a month is enough to improve erection and the pleasure of the process. This is largely due to the presence of arginine, but pistachios also contain dietary fiber, fatty acids, minerals and B vitamins.
hazelnut and peanut
From the example of the previous walnuts, it is clear that components such as selenium, zinc, arginine and vitamin E seriously affect human health. All of them are present in hazelnuts. The benefits of such a product were studied in New Zealand, where men took two tablespoons for three months.
Hazelnuts contain lysine amino acids that enhance erection.
As a result, an increase in testosterone levels, improvement of Organs reproductive organs and a beneficial effect on the vascular system was observed. Hazelnuts are believed to relax arteries, gradually clear them of cholesterol plaques, and improve blood circulation. It also helps to increase your intake of healthy fats.
To influence potency, just eat ten peanut kernels a day. It contains many useful components such as linoleic and folic acid, while it does not lead to the accumulation of cholesterol. Regular consumption of peanuts contributes to a person's emotional toughness, which plays an important role in the male power issue.
Cedar and Kindal
Before turning to pine nuts, you should know that this is the most caloric product of its kind. However, the content of useful omega-3 fatty acids in them is also very high. At the same time, the composition contains essential amino acids, many vitamins and other elements. For men, vitamin E and zinc, which are part of the cedar fruit, are of the utmost importance. They normalize the production of testosterone, while the rest of the components take care of erectile function and the health of blood vessel walls. This product has an immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effect, which has a positive effect in the treatment of prostate adenoma and prostatitis.
Pine nuts can be consumed in their pure form, or it is acceptable to replace them with a teaspoon of pine nuts oil. There is a recipe for preparing the tincture:
- 30 g of shelled walnuts are poured into 0. 5 liters of vodka;
- The nut mixture is infused in the dark for three weeks, it needs to be shaken from time to time;
- The finished drug is taken 5 drops, you can drink it with a sip of water;
- After ten days, you can add five more drops, gradually increasing the amount to 25;
- After that, an interval of one month is required.
Few people have heard of macadamia nuts, and that's not surprising. Previously, this species only grew in Australia. However, now this useful product can be found in other countries. It contains all the useful components like zinc and vitamin E. Regular consumption of kindal is believed to help restore potency.
Nutmeg is a seed that grows on a tree bark. This is the core, the length of which is approximately three centimeters. The shape is oval, there is a pronounced sweet and spicy smell. The composition stands out:
- Vitamins E, H, PP, A, B and C;
- Essencial oils;
- pectin and starch;
- Zinc, magnesium, copper, iron, iodine, calcium and sulfur.
A beneficial effect on potency is associated with stimulation of the cardiovascular system. Muscat also strengthens the central nervous system. Typically, the product helps to increase potency if problems are caused by:
- mood swings;
- Psychological focus on failures;
- Emotional excess;
- Chronic fatigue syndrome;
- Stress and conflict.
Medicines are made from nutmeg, including powder. It is used to eliminate the symptoms of psychogenic impotence. Due to the presence of components such as myristicin, safrole and elemicin, the product has a very pronounced aphrodisiac effect.
Other useful tools
Dried fruits occupy a separate place in the matter of influence on men's health. Among them, raisins stand out. It is made from green or black grapes, retaining a large number of important components. Firstly, the product is rich in carbohydrates, which will be excellent substitutes for unhealthy desserts. They increase the amount of insulin in the blood.
Raisins have general strengthening properties due to the presence of nicotinic acid, potassium and various enzymes. It has a broad effect on the nervous system:
- Small doses contribute to stress resistance and the ability to withstand emotional disturbances;
- The probability of developing neurotic disorders, phobias, psychoses and depression decreases;
- Improves the quality of sleep;
- The symptoms of psychogenic erectile dysfunction are eliminated;
- Chronic fatigue is gone.
Raisins have a beneficial effect on many other body systems. At the same time, unlike the dubious Egyptian walnut, you can easily get dried grapes in almost any store. This is the most affordable dried fruit, included in the list of useful products for potency.
No matter how much walnuts seem like a panacea for impotence, you can't consume them in unlimited amounts. Fats are useful to humans only in small doses. The high calorie content, combined with high amounts of fatty acids, can seriously harm health and lead to weight gain.
In addition, in some cases, men are prohibited from eating nuts, even using products based on them. The list of contraindications includes:
- allergic stomatitis;
- Psoriasis;
- Eczema;
- Diathesis;
- Pathology of blood clotting;
- Diseases of the intestines and pancreas;
- Urticaria.
Excessive use of such products even leads to overdose symptoms. Usually they are expressed by rashes and headaches, inflammation of the tonsils is also possible. It is very important to eat any type of nuts in small amounts, which almost never exceed a handful per day. In this case, the product will only benefit and will not negatively affect the state of the figure.